User Guide of ‘Spiderverse’


Spiderverse is a personal Chatbot task manager that follows the theme of Marvel’s Spiderman. It manages all your tasks in a list, keeping you productive and organized.


Command Format:

  1. Words in UPPER_CASE are parameters entered by you.
  2. For parameter INDEX, enter a integer corresponding to the task’s index in the list.


Feature 1 - Add task

There are three types of tasks that you can add into the list:

  1. Todo
  2. Deadline
  3. Event

Command Format:

  1. todo DESCRIPTION (eg. todo buy book)
  2. deadline DESCRIPTION /by YYYY-MM-DD (eg. deadline essay /by 2020-02-20)
  3. event DESCRIPTION /at YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm (eg. event meeting /at 2020-03-01 14:00)

Adding tasks

Feature 2 - Delete task

You can remove a task from the list.

Command Format: delete INDEX (eg. delete 4)

Deleting tasks

Feature 3 - Mark task as done

When you are done, you can:

  1. Mark a task as completed with a tick.
  2. Mark several tasks as completed with ticks at one go.

Command Format:

  1. done INDEX (eg. done 3)
  2. done INDEX1 INDEX2 INDEX3 (eg. done 2 4 5)

Completing tasks

Feature 4 - Find task

You can find tasks by entering a keyword. The search result will be given in a list.

Command Format: find KEYWORD (eg. find book)

Finding tasks

Feature 5 - List all tasks

You can view all your tasks in a list.

Command Format: list

Listing tasks

Feature 6 - Exits Spiderverse

You can exit and close the Spiderverse window.

Command Format: bye
